Integrity Spinal Decompression Machine ISCS 2.0 ©
Our Integrity Decompression Machine has been treating patients with lower back pain for over 50 years. For service and support for your decompression machine, please fill out the form below.
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About Us
The ISCS 2.0 and Lumbar Systems are non-surgical spinal decompression therapy systems engineered to provide pain relief for compressive and degenerative conditions of the spine. Integrity Life Sciences delivers an advanced solution to address one of the most costly systemic ailments in the world, chronic low back and neck pain.
This technology provides pain relief associated with herniated disc, bulging disc, degenerative disc disease, posterior facet syndrome and sciatica. Integrity Life Sciences demonstrates our commitment to our customers and partners through our quality products and by providing exemplary service. Integrity partners with the international community to bring our innovative products and services to the world. Commitment to excellence is what we promise; a promise that only Integrity Life Sciences can honor.